The office of County Treasurer was created by the N.D. Constitution and the duties are listed in Century Code. Treasurers are elected to four-year terms on a nonpartisan ballot during November elections and they officially assume duties in May. The salary is set by state statute and is based on the population of the county.
The County Treasurer's Association was founded in 1958 for treasurers and finance officers. The members meet annually to communicate changes made by the State Legislature and discuss issues pertaining to the county treasurer's office. They also propose legislation to better serve the taxpayers. In addition they now meet by regions twice a year and also attend educational classes on a regular basis.
The Treasurer's Office is used by taxpayers, state agencies, lending institutions and reality companies, to name a few. The treasurer's office provides easy access to tax and real estate records throughout the year to anyone who requests that information.
Sady Kjorven was appointed as the Steele County Treasurer on October 14th, 2024.